

May 2024

Adventures with Iridium

Electromagnetic Field 2024 - Eastnor, UK

How do you transmit data when there’s 205,000 people trying to access the same mobile network in a field? Satellites, of course! After facing dilemmas of tracking the staff shuttles at a major UK festival, we decided to look at other options and discovered some cheap Iridium satellite constellation hardware on eBay.

When they arrived, we surveyed what we had purchased, discovered it was ex-Ministry of Defense hardware, and hasn’t been scrubbed properly. After getting a new pair of trousers and making the relevant disclosures, we worked to reverse engineer the hardware and get some usable data transmitting into space (and back down).

March 2024

Mobile Phones and Media

Cloud Native Media #13 - London UK

The mobile phone has completely changed the media landscape - I take CNM on a walk through history, stopping at key devices and milestones along the way.

Click to watch

March 2022

The Brick to the Foldable

MIPI Alliance Member Meeting #62 - Lisbon, Portugal

Being the opening presentation of the meeting, I spoke to MIPI members about milestones in mobile phone history, from the brick phone in the 1980s, to foldables in the present day. This prompted lively discussions and stoked interest in the Mobile Phone Museum project.